Gepetto Wiki

Whale is the last android that Dr. Gepetto built, and holds an important piece of information concerning the Inheritance. After near a 100 years of hibernation 

When activated, she was a captive of the SDF and ran immediately. Unfortunately for her during her escape the SDF used a jammer which damaged her core-processor.

She awoke later to a kid named Colodi Carlo who helped her.

Whale had a message inside her cybernetic core which was the final message to her from her creator, Gepetto, who created all androids. Unfortunately, the data was corrupted by the SDF jammer. Later into the series, however, she has her cybernetic core fixed and it is revealed that the key to the inheritance was merely a video of an old fairy tale that can only really be truly comprehended by humans of the Shelter. The video is apparently a hint to the inheritance's location, and the character's guesses state that it should be in the shelter. Also another piece of information was revealed once the video is restored: Upon her awakening, the number one priority for Whale was to find a human being named Colodi Carlo.

She is later captured by the SDF again and has been in captivity for 10 years.


Whale has a very calm personality, even in very tense moments she could remain very focus on the task at hand.


Whale is a young woman, appearing to be approximately 20, with a long blue hair.

She has changed clothing throughout the series and has no set articles of clothing.


As the last android built by Dr. Gepetto, Whale has the most advanced technology that the time allowed. She had some kind of immunity to the Jammer technology that lacked in the earlier models. Professor Lorencini summarized that she had some kind of adaptive computer system which protects her from harm.


Whale is named after the whale in Pinocchio's story. The famous Disney film version of Pinocchio's story had a whale which swallowed Gepetto. However, in the original novel, The Adventures of Pinocchio, the animal was a giant dogfish (a kind of shark).
